It is essential that each member of our Group acts according to and shares the same values of transparency, integrity, responsibility and exemplarity, both individually and collectively. In order to build cohesion around these values, it is important that all of our employees comply with our professional and ethical rules. In doing so, they also help reinforce the long-standing trust our partners place in us, in particular our clients, suppliers, shareholders and all those who contribute to our activities and development.
The Group implemented an anti-corruption policy in 2004 through its Ethics Charter, which defines the core rules to be respected by all parties. In 2017, and in accordance with French law no. 2016-1691 of 9 December 2016 on transparency, the fight against corruption and the modernisation of the economy (known as the “Sapin 2" law), the Group took one step further by adhering to the "Middlenext Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct", an initiative created by a group of companies (including CIS) committed to promoting business ethics.
Each of our employees must familiarise themselves with the Middlenext Anti-Corruption Code of Conduct and our Ethics Charter and must comply with them under all circumstances While it is impossible to thoroughly deal with all of the situations that may arise, the principles set out in these two texts provide a frame of reference and define the spirit in which specific situations should be addressed.
In addition, in the course of our everyday activities, the CIS Group respects and adheres to:
“I thank each of you for your steadfast ethical commitment and adherence to the core values of the CIS Group.”
Founder & Chairman of CIS Group
To ensure the proper application of its Code of Conduct, CIS has implemented a whistle-blower confidentiality system for its employees and third parties. If you personally notice any behaviour or practice that does not appear to be compliant with the values stated in the Code of Conduct, we would be grateful if you would report this event by sending an email to the address below:
According to CNIL decision no. 2017-191, you may exercise your right to access and modify your personal data by sending a request to the above email address.