With the current worldwide health crisis, the priority of the Group is above all the health of its employees and customers. The Group has implemented all the measures necessary to protect all of its teams while ensuring the continuity of its activities in strict compliance with health safety rules.


  • Mask donation: under the leadership of Régis Arnoux, Founder and Chairman of CIS, the head office donated 1,200 masks to the intensive care unit of the Hôpital Nord of Marseille,
  • Supply of 1,000 packed lunches to healthcare staff in Marseille hospitals until May 6 in partnership with a local caterer.


  • Disinfection of our entire fleet of vehicles by our staff,
  • Appropriate goods receipt protocol implemented,
  • Donation of personal protective equipment to medical staff in Algerian public hospitals, a total of 10,000 FFP2 masks and 10,000 suits were distributed.


  • Creation of a quarantine zone with delivery of meals according to a strict security procedure,
  • Design of thousands of containment kits for the Ministry of Health,
  • Supply of 300 kits to its employees in Nouakchott, composing of foodstuffs and basic necessities,
  • Special training for its maintenance teams in the port and removal of personal protective equipment (PPE) to intervene safely in a room contaminated by Covid-19,
  • Training of employees in the reinforced cleaning of blocks occupied by employees in quarantine,
  • Reinforcement of training on hand washing with a nurse,
  • Training on good mask-wearing practices for all catering staff,
  • Simulation training for decontamination and disinfection of rooms of people who have contracted Covid-19,
  • Awareness of food security and Covid-19: remind staff of the importance of barrier gestures, especially in restaurants.
  • Daily staff temperature control,
  • Daily disinfection of restaurants by spraying.


  • Total disinfection of all passenger trains after each trip to reduce viral contamination on surfaces,
  • ​New disinfection services for vehicles and passenger wagons for its client CEAR - Central East African Railway, a subsidiary of the Brazilian Group VALE.


  • Production of masks in Capulana in association with the France-Mozambique Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Consists of buying sewing machines and traditional fabrics for an association of Mozambican women who will produce protective masks,
  • Donation of masks to the inhabitants of Moatize,
  • Donation of 150 fabric masks to the government of Nacala-a-Velha.


  • Preparation of lunch packs instead of the usual meals. 1300 lunch packs and 1300 sandwiches per day are prepared by the teams,
  • Awareness of barrier gestures for all employees and campaigns were relayed to residents in restaurants,
  • Support to the association " Institut Séculier Croisade Evangelique " for the benefit of African young female: CIS as part of their reintegration activity, CIS has requested them to make protective masks. 


  • Installation of body thermographic cameras to check the temperature of residents and employees and limit the spread of the virus,
  • Training on hygiene, cleaning and disinfection good practices.


  • Awareness of barrier gestures for all employees and campaigns were relayed to residents, in restaurants,
  • Regular disinfection protocol for all food deliveries, all premises (accommodation, offices, clinic, restaurants, etc.) as well as outdoor areas on the site,
  • Disinfection of our entire fleet of vehicles by our staff,
  • Appropriate goods receipt protocol implemented,
  • Provision of sanitary products and equipment for the Diogo health post,
  • New dry and frozen storage area for 15 containers, in order to have a stock of food, drink and cleaning products for a consumption of 3 months.


  • Donation of hundreds of soaps to the children of the "Dieu Bénit" orphanage to ensure that they can perform basic barrier gestures and maintain a level of hygiene,
  • Donation of hygiene and cleaning products to the government of Doba,
  • Deployment of innovative solutions for disinfection on the operation site using a biodegradable solution for automated misting of a dry gas.


  • Organization of daily briefings,
  • Hand washing when entering and leaving the warehouse,
  • Donations of various products (universal cleaner, dishwashing liquid, toilet paper, garbage bags, etc.) to Martini Hospital in Mogadishu, the only hospital in the city to take care of patients who had contracted the virus,
  • Donation of cleaning equipment necessary for the disinfection of Yardimeli hospital.


  • Donation of hydroalcoholic gel, bleach, gloves and protective masks to a local police station,
  • Campaign to raise awareness among residents and non-residents of compliance with the measures and good practices to be adopted.


  • Funding for the manufacture of masks product locally by Burkinabé tailors,
  • On-site audits to ensure that safety and hygiene measures are respected in dining rooms and kitchens.


  • Donation of 2,000 masks to the hospital of the municipality of DZ,
  • Donation of food to the emergency department of the Khanbogd region,
  • Donation of masks and hand sanitizers to students entering Khanbogd soum school in Umnugovi province,
  • Video fitness lessons are broadcast daily allowing the staff of the Oyu Tolgoi mine to practice aerobics, yoga and stretching exercises,
  • Social distancing rules are respected in the bars and restaurants of Mazaalai in accordance with the recommendations made by the Mongolian Ministry of Health,
  • Production of a prevention video, awareness raising recalling all the important actions that employees should take to protect themselves and others from the virus,
  • Hand sanitizer machines have been put in place near areas with a high potential for contamination,
  • Verifying the body temperature,
  • Wearing gloves while serving food.


  • Donation of meals to nursing staff treating patients with COVID-19 in a major public hospital following the request of the Langepas city council,
  • Support of poor families by providing them with food,
  • Humanitarian aid action for disadvantaged people during the confinement period.


  • Communication campaign carried out by our offshore staff: “Stay at home for us, we are there for you”.


  • Reinforcement of the sanitary safety on sites: all the facilities are disinfected, as well as the trucks, before and after each delivery,
  • Donation of food to each employee (30kg).


  • Mask donation: under the leadership of Régis Arnoux, Founder and Chairman of CIS, the head office donated 1,200 masks to the intensive care unit of the Hôpital Nord of Marseille,
  • Supply of 1,000 packed lunches to healthcare staff in Marseille hospitals until May 6 in partnership with a local caterer.


  • Disinfection of our entire fleet of vehicles by our staff,
  • Appropriate goods receipt protocol implemented,
  • Donation of personal protective equipment to medical staff in Algerian public hospitals, a total of 10,000 FFP2 masks and 10,000 suits were distributed.


  • Creation of a quarantine zone with delivery of meals according to a strict security procedure,
  • Design of thousands of containment kits for the Ministry of Health,
  • Supply of 300 kits to its employees in Nouakchott, composing of foodstuffs and basic necessities,
  • Special training for its maintenance teams in the port and removal of personal protective equipment (PPE) to intervene safely in a room contaminated by Covid-19,
  • Training of employees in the reinforced cleaning of blocks occupied by employees in quarantine,
  • Reinforcement of training on hand washing with a nurse,
  • Training on good mask-wearing practices for all catering staff,
  • Simulation training for decontamination and disinfection of rooms of people who have contracted Covid-19,
  • Awareness of food security and Covid-19: remind staff of the importance of barrier gestures, especially in restaurants.
  • Daily staff temperature control,
  • Daily disinfection of restaurants by spraying.


  • Total disinfection of all passenger trains after each trip to reduce viral contamination on surfaces,
  • ​New disinfection services for vehicles and passenger wagons for its client CEAR - Central East African Railway, a subsidiary of the Brazilian Group VALE.


  • Production of masks in Capulana in association with the France-Mozambique Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Consists of buying sewing machines and traditional fabrics for an association of Mozambican women who will produce protective masks,
  • Donation of masks to the inhabitants of Moatize,
  • Donation of 150 fabric masks to the government of Nacala-a-Velha.


  • Preparation of lunch packs instead of the usual meals. 1300 lunch packs and 1300 sandwiches per day are prepared by the teams,
  • Awareness of barrier gestures for all employees and campaigns were relayed to residents in restaurants,
  • Support to the association " Institut Séculier Croisade Evangelique " for the benefit of African young female: CIS as part of their reintegration activity, CIS has requested them to make protective masks. 


  • Installation of body thermographic cameras to check the temperature of residents and employees and limit the spread of the virus,
  • Training on hygiene, cleaning and disinfection good practices.


  • Awareness of barrier gestures for all employees and campaigns were relayed to residents, in restaurants,
  • Regular disinfection protocol for all food deliveries, all premises (accommodation, offices, clinic, restaurants, etc.) as well as outdoor areas on the site,
  • Disinfection of our entire fleet of vehicles by our staff,
  • Appropriate goods receipt protocol implemented,
  • Provision of sanitary products and equipment for the Diogo health post,
  • New dry and frozen storage area for 15 containers, in order to have a stock of food, drink and cleaning products for a consumption of 3 months.


  • Donation of hundreds of soaps to the children of the "Dieu Bénit" orphanage to ensure that they can perform basic barrier gestures and maintain a level of hygiene,
  • Donation of hygiene and cleaning products to the government of Doba,
  • Deployment of innovative solutions for disinfection on the operation site using a biodegradable solution for automated misting of a dry gas.


  • Organization of daily briefings,
  • Hand washing when entering and leaving the warehouse,
  • Donations of various products (universal cleaner, dishwashing liquid, toilet paper, garbage bags, etc.) to Martini Hospital in Mogadishu, the only hospital in the city to take care of patients who had contracted the virus,
  • Donation of cleaning equipment necessary for the disinfection of Yardimeli hospital.


  • Donation of hydroalcoholic gel, bleach, gloves and protective masks to a local police station,
  • Campaign to raise awareness among residents and non-residents of compliance with the measures and good practices to be adopted.


  • Funding for the manufacture of masks product locally by Burkinabé tailors,
  • On-site audits to ensure that safety and hygiene measures are respected in dining rooms and kitchens.


  • Donation of 2,000 masks to the hospital of the municipality of DZ,
  • Donation of food to the emergency department of the Khanbogd region,
  • Donation of masks and hand sanitizers to students entering Khanbogd soum school in Umnugovi province,
  • Video fitness lessons are broadcast daily allowing the staff of the Oyu Tolgoi mine to practice aerobics, yoga and stretching exercises,
  • Social distancing rules are respected in the bars and restaurants of Mazaalai in accordance with the recommendations made by the Mongolian Ministry of Health,
  • Production of a prevention video, awareness raising recalling all the important actions that employees should take to protect themselves and others from the virus,
  • Hand sanitizer machines have been put in place near areas with a high potential for contamination,
  • Verifying the body temperature,
  • Wearing gloves while serving food.


  • Donation of meals to nursing staff treating patients with COVID-19 in a major public hospital following the request of the Langepas city council,
  • Support of poor families by providing them with food,
  • Humanitarian aid action for disadvantaged people during the confinement period.


  • Communication campaign carried out by our offshore staff: “Stay at home for us, we are there for you”.


  • Reinforcement of the sanitary safety on sites: all the facilities are disinfected, as well as the trucks, before and after each delivery,
  • Donation of food to each employee (30kg).