As an integrator of catering, accommodation and facilities management services in extreme environments, human capital is essential to CIS's activities. In line with its values, the Group has always been committed to making a positive contribution to community development, particularly through its involvement in youth and sport, which are essential to promoting well-being.

CIS and youth
As part of its sustainable development program, CIS is working to provide the populations near its headquarters in Marseille and its operating sites with better living conditions and access to education.
- In 2008, under the impetus of the Group's founder and CEO, Régis Arnoux, CIS France created the "CIS Corporate Foundation", chaired by Loïc Souron and Monique Arnoux (Vice-Chairwoman). The CIS Foundation invests in young adults in the Bouches-du-Rhône region, aged 18 to 25, who lack the financial means to fulfill their ambitions. Its mission is to help them finance their training or their professional project, and to support them throughout their career until they can "take off professionally". CIS has supported 150 young people over the past 15 years.
- CIS also supports the "L'Envol" association, which organizes trips and programs to help sick children and their families overcome illness. CIS is very attached to the values of courage and strength conveyed by this institution.
- CIS sponsors a BTS (advanced vocational diploma) in hotel management, and works with the school every year to provide training for its cooks.
- Finally, in the countries where the Group operates, CIS supports numerous orphanages and associations through donations and other support initiatives. In Mali, CIS donated 200 school kits to the authorities of the Komana commune. CIS Tchad continued its support for the Dieu Bénit orphanage in N'Djaména and donated food products to flood victims in villages around its Komé site. CIS Mozambique donated seeds and fertilizers to an association helping orphans to boost their agricultural production. In the DRC, CIS donated 300 school kits to an elementary school in Fungurume. In Burkina Faso, since 2015, CIS has supported the ASEFV association (vulnerable children and women) and an orphanage in Ouagadougou. In Kazakhstan, the local subsidiary donated food products to the administration and poor families of the Varvarinskoye village school. CIS Brasil has engaged in a partnership with the "Casa do Abraço" social center since 2017 and provides them with food and supplies every month.
CIS and sport
From a partnership with a top sportswoman to participation in small events, numerous sporting activities punctuate CIS's daily life. Sportsmanship is an integral part of our Group.
- Emma Valkyria Gongora - Professional English boxing competitor, French boxing champion in 2022, whom CIS sponsors and who accompanies us throughout the year by giving boxing lessons to certain head office collaborators. The values of respect, humility, courage and determination are at the heart of this activity.
- Rugby is another sport in which CIS shares the values of team spirit, sharing, transmission and solidarity. Every year, CIS takes part in the "Tournoi Ovalive des terroirs du monde" program, which enables young people from 5 communes in Les Baux de Provence to be trained in this sport and assimilate its values.
- CIS sponsors the "Porquerolle's Race", an emblematic international regatta in the Bouches du Rhône region. More than a sport, sailing combines high technology and the environment, carrying values shared by CIS such as passion, daring and excellence.
- In Mauritania, CIS has been taking part in the Mauritanian Telethon since 2019 to raise funds for the national soccer team, which qualified for the African Cup of Nations for the first time: a major event in the country.
- In Brazil, CIS sponsors the women's soccer team.