Fri 5 Jul 2019

On 6th June 2019, Nick Butter a famous endurance athlete, adventurer and also charity fundraiser from the UK arrived at Mogadishu International Airport to run Marathon 149 of 196 Marathons which he plans to complete in 196 countries in 675 days, creating 8 World Records, and all on behalf of the charity Prostate Cancer UK.
Prostate Cancer UK's top priority is funding research to stop prostate cancer killing men. They are investing to find better treatments and better tests that can spot fast-growing cancers early, and could be used in a screening programme to save thousands of lives.
CIS Somalia sponsorised the event, supplying 120 bottles of Gatorade, 40Kg Bananas and 72Kg of Oranges, to be distributed to the runners at the 3 aid stations set out around the course.
CIS Somalia Project Manager was invited to stay at Chelsea Village and participated in the event on Saturday 8th June 2019.
Nick was joined by some 20 plus enthusiastic runners of varying standards at 06:00 on a warm Somali morning, where he thanked all those taking part for their support in aiding him complete Marathon 149 of his epic 196 Marathon attempt. As the morning progressed and the heat increased, it was a relief to be running along the beach section of the course with the sea breeze. Nick eventually completed the Marathon around 12:30, after which the runners were treated to a Brunch at Chelsea Village.
In the evening Nick was presented with a cheque for $3,000 from Chelsea Village and he explained why he had undertaken the challenge and thank the sponsors and everyone for their support whilst he was in Mogadishu.