Since 2015, CIS Burkina Faso has helped build an Orphanage in Ouagadougou. CIS has already built baby bedrooms and offices as well as the facilities (water, solar electricity).
To this day, the babies are welcomed during the day, and in the evening, they are cared for by temporary nannies. Twelve babies, from 6 months to 4 years, and about twenty children from 4 to 12 years are taking care of by the orphanage.
CIS also provides baby milk and food for the whole family and helps the community to work: they make and supply to CIS shea soap made from peanut butter, oil and honey.
With Christmas approaching, CIS launched a children’s book donation operation. Group's Senior Business Developer, brought them on site during his visit early December. The books were given to the kids during the Christmas event organized by CIS Burkina Faso teams
late December.
The third section of the building is currently under construction (building for the Director and nurses). The orphanage should officially open its doors in 2019.