Thu 8 Sep 2022

CIS Brasil has implemented a nutritional program on the 4 platforms of our client, involved in the exploration and production (E&P) of oil and natural gas.

The client praises CIS Brasil's teams and is pleased with the services provided. The program consists of a color code and a nutritional assistance service, in which each resident can ask for nutritional advice from the nutritionist present at each platform.

"This color-coding proposal in the restaurant is interesting because food is associated with fitness, since many residents go to the gym. The individual identifications on the serving lines are clear, they follow the nutritional traffic light that makes it easy to read what should be eaten in small/medium amounts/all you can eat." 

Ensuring that our customers and employees stay healthy with quality meals every day is one of CIS Group's goals.

Information about CIS Brasil

Information about our Health, safety and environment program

Information about our catering services 

